What? Did someone say Watchparties? Also see this Watchparty page!
Yes, this year we encourage all of our attendees to get together in in-person groups in your area or region. The Symposium organizers did it last year; it started by accident, but afterwards, we thought, this is an idea to take to the troops! Each group of notaries (2 to 8 people) can be a mini-conference! It takes networking to a new level – it’s fun to spend your breaks, meals, and the Kickoff and After-Party with other people! Everyone brings their own laptop, and their A game – Good to go!
To find notaries in your area, check in at TNT calls, with NBB members or send us an email to see if anyone else in your county has registered. Notaries you already know is great, but getting together with additional notaries you didn’t know before is greater!
If time allows, we may try to do some Spotlighting of some of the Watchparties!
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