By purchasing, you agree to the following:
Billing/Shipping Address: Be sure to uncheck the box if your Billing address is NOT the same as your shipping address, so you can fill in where your mail should go to. We need this to mail any prizes you win in the Wheel of Prizes. If your address changes before the event, email with your new address.
Email Address: Every attendee must use a unique email address, and will be added to Symposium’s Email List, if not already in there. This is used to send instructions and download notes, etc, but also your unique Zoom link for access to the event. An attendee list (name and email only) will be provided to sponsors (who paid $500 and up).
Multiple tickets: Because of the Email Address issue above, multiple tickets will not be sold.
Event Survey: You agree to participate in the ‘Attendee’s Online Survey’ after the event (the link will be emailed to you within a few days after the event). This is your chance to be heard – we want EVERYONE to participate in the survey/evaluation. This feedback helps us plan for the next year, and to know if we got it right choosing our speaker topics, etc.
Image/Comments: By purchasing, you agree that your image or comments may be used for future promotional purposes.
Refunds: Email stating you are unable to attend.
Refund amounts as follows:
50% will be refunded if a Welcome Box was shipped to you.
For those who did not receive a Welcome Box (because it’s before they were shipped*, or you purchased your ticket after Oct 15, or because you chose the Replay Ticket), a processing fee of $15 will be deducted from price paid. If you accidentally purchased double tickets, obviously we would refund the full price of the second ticket. No refunds given after November 11.
*Shipment of Welcome Boxes expected to go out Oct 23-24, 2022.
Global Terms & Conditions: By using this site, including purchasing any items, you are agreeing to the Website’s Terms and Conditions as well. View the Website’s Terms and Conditions here.