If you have a question that is not covered in these FAQs, please email kerri@kerrimarvelservices.com.
We will continue to add to, and update these FAQs up to the event, so check back often!
- You agree to us providing an attendee list (name, email) to our sponsors (who pay $500 and up)
- You agree that we will add your name and email to Symposium’s Email List.
- You agree to complete an Event Survey – a link will be emailed to you within a week after the event in November. The information will greatly help us to design the event for 2023.
- You agree that your image or comments may be used for future promotional purposes.
- You agree to having some FUN while learning!
- View the complete Terms & Conditions here
Interactive Sessions
Yes, time has been built in for this either during or after each presentation. Depending on the speaker, questions may be taken either live through the microphone, or via questions submitted via the Zoom Chat feature.
Yes, many breaks are planned throughout the day. Plus quick 1-2 minute “Energizers” are also scheduled at the beginning of each session. Lunch is long, as is the time between the end of the event and the After Party.
What? Did someone say Watchparties? Also see this Watchparty page!
Yes, this year we encourage all of our attendees to get together in in-person groups in your area or region. The Symposium organizers did it last year; it started by accident, but afterwards, we thought, this is an idea to take to the troops! Each group of notaries (2 to 8 people) can be a mini-conference! It takes networking to a new level – it’s fun to spend your breaks, meals, and the Kickoff and After-Party with other people! Everyone brings their own laptop, and their A game – Good to go!
To find notaries in your area, check in at TNT calls, with NBB members or send us an email to see if anyone else in your county has registered. Notaries you already know is great, but getting together with additional notaries you didn’t know before is greater!
If time allows, we may try to do some Spotlighting of some of the Watchparties!
We know that traveling to a conference isn’t just about the great content, you want the possibility to make great connections too. This reception helps get the ball rolling there. Plus, if you feel a bit nervous about Zoom or aren’t familiar with all the features, then attending the Kick-Off is essential! Because on Friday night (and briefly again on Saturday morning), Robbie Samuels (our Virtual Event Design Consultant) will be there to go over all that so you can test out the features you’ll need to know to fully experience our event. And an important element for networking is going to be the way we use Zoom’s Breakout Rooms. You’ll get to experience this on Friday night so you’ll know what to expect. Also, this is the first time you can have some virtual “hallway” moments and make some new friends before we start on Saturday.
Friday Night is for everyone…..why?
Cuz we’ll be giving away some PRIZES!!
Once again, we have contracted with virtual networking expert, Robbie Samuels. Robbie is a Virtual Event Design Consultant and will be with us for the entire event. He’ll be using Zoom Breakout Rooms to create small group discussions during the Kickoff, some sessions, and maybe even some breaks (so you can truly experience networking even though we’re virtual!). With his guidance, we planned an event that will avoid ‘Zoom Fatigue’ through a combination of highly relevant content and interactive sessions, plus lots of opportunities to network with fellow attendees.
Well, for one thing, during the After Party is when all the remaining prizes will be drawn by our Prize Sponsor, Nina Penny (and others), using the fabulous Virtual Prize Wheel.
And for another, we’ll be playing Virtual Notary Bingo again – Super fun!
It’s also where you can unwind and relax, and talk to some of your new friends and colleagues. We’ll set you up in small groups to network and talk about the steps you can’t wait to put into action to grow your business.
It will be shipped to you, many will ship directly from Amazon. Be sure that you have entered an accurate shipping address if different from your billing address when you purchase(ed) your ticket. This is the address that will be used. If you did not enter your accurate shipping address, or if your address changed after purchase, email Kerri@KerriMarvelServices.com.
All attendee names will be preloaded into an electronic Prize Wheel. Throughout the event, Nina will choose a Prize, then spin the Prize Wheel. The winner is announced then and there. You do NOT need to be present to win.
Email Kerri@KerriMarvelServices.com stating you are unable to attend.
Refund amounts as follows:
50% of price paid if a Welcome Box was shipped to you.
For those who did not receive a Welcome Box (because it’s before they were shipped*, or you purchased your ticket after Sept 30, or because you chose the Replay Ticket), a processing fee of $15 will be deducted from price paid.
If you accidentally purchased double tickets, obviously we would refund the full price of the second ticket.
No refunds given after November 11.
*Shipment of Welcome Boxes expected to go out Oct 23-24, 2022.
Updated: 8/31/2022
Remember – All times are PT = Pacific Time
Doors open at 7:50 am and the event begins promptly at 8:00 am.
If you get there early, you’ll enter the ‘waiting room’ and can listen to the music while checking your Zoom link works, and that you changed your Zoom display name (to First and Last Name, City, State). Generally just get settled in. We highly recommend logging in even earlier just to make sure everything works as expected.
If you are a little nervous about using all the features of Zoom, we suggest participating in the Kickoff Event on Friday Night (the night before the main event). Robbie (our Virtual Event Design Consultant) will be there to show everyone the ropes, as well as it being a mixer to meet and greet!
Revised 7/14/2022
(updated 11/6/2022 – this may be updated again)
Event Dashboard
We will be using an “Event Dashboard” for access to the event. This includes Friday night’s Kickoff, and the Margarita After Party. You will receive the LINK to this online Event Dashboard several times, during the week of the Event. See Schedule of Emails below.
Clicking on the link to the Dashboard will take you to a screen that looks like a website. On this page will be all of the links needed to get into the various areas: MAIN EVENT, the Kickoff, the Margarita After Party and possibly others.
There will be a button for the day’s Agenda, and you will be able to view the Agenda onscreen or print it. Within the agenda will be links to presentation notes from speakers that you can open and/or download for printing. There may be additional buttons.
Schedule of Emails (week of the Event)
Please OPEN ALL EMAILS – Any one of them may well contain information you wish you had prior to the event.
GROUP EMAILS with the Event Dashboard link will be emailed to all registered attendees four times, as follows:
- Tuesday, Nov 8 at 3:30pm (Pacific time)
- Wednesday, Nov 9 at 3pm (Pacific time)
- Friday, Nov 11 at Noon (Pacific time)
- Saturday, Nov 12 at 6:30am (Pacific time)
If you do not receive the email on TUESDAY, Nov 8 (to the email address you used at registration), from info@notarysymposium.com, contact Kerri at kerri@kerrimarvelservices.com. Look in your Spam/Junk folders. If you do not have this email, call or email Kerri – because your email was probably mistyped.
From Tuesday on, you MAY CLICK ON THE ‘DASHBOARD’ LINK within any of the 4 emails any time. This is to make sure you don’t have any issues or problems. You should be able to get into the DASHBOARD, even if the event links are not yet live. The zoom event links will go live at Event times. Waiting until Saturday morning is the worst time to discover there is an issue. Symposium Staff will be busy on Friday, and even busier on Saturday morning.
The “Zoom” part
On Friday night (or Saturday morning, if you can’t join us the night before), when you first click on the Zoom link, you will need to enter your name and email as verification as a registered attendee.
If you are not strong on Zoom, on technology in general, or just want to know how it will all work, we hope you can join us for the Kickoff Reception Event on Friday night. This event is to network, win prizes, AND to check that your equipment is working properly. In essence, to KICK IT OFF!
We strongly recommend updating your Zoom software on the device you’ll use to access Symposium 2021. You can google how to update your software, but also, we will include a download link for this in upcoming group emails.
Watch future emails from Notary Symposium for further valuable instructions.
Please take into account any time zone differences based on your location.
All times given are Pacific time.
Multiple tickets will not be sold as each attendee must provide their own unique email AND mailing addresses. Your unique Zoom link is tied to one specific email, one purchase per email address.
However, if you do purchase a ticket for someone else, be sure to enter their email, and their shipping address while completing the transaction; then email Kerri Marvel via email (with your name, as purchaser, and the name whom you purchased the ticket for) to verify we have the information correctly. Thank you.
Use the Purchase link on the BUY TICKETS page for Video Replays (Virtual-Live attendee sales have closed).
BE SURE when completing your purchase that you uncheck the box for different shipping address if applicable. The shipping address is what we’ll use for shipping your Welcome Box, and any Prizes to Winners.
BE SURE you enter the EMAIL ADDRESS that you want all Symposium email communications about the event to go to, AS WELL AS where your unique Zoom link should be delivered for access to the event.
Sales for the Live-Virtual Attendee portion have ended.
Purchases for the Video Replays remain open until further notice.
- Join Zoom via a desktop or laptop computer instead of a phone or tablet, so that you have a bigger screen than your phone/tablet. This will allow you to see more participants, read slides, and generally have a better experience.
- Note that you can only log into one device at a time using your unique Zoom link.
- Be prepared to have your camera on. Don’t have a camera on your desktop computer? Amazon sells many webcams with built-in microphones in the $35 to $50 range. Easily connects via a USB cable.
- New to Zoom? Take a moment to download the application (onto the planned computer) before the event. Download “Zoom Client for Meetings”.
- The Event Dashboard will contain a digital agenda. The morning of the event, have it open on your computer so you can easily navigate to the networking sessions and then back again to the ‘main room’.
- Commit to participate to the entire day.
- Put your phone on vibrate/silent, and turn it over so you’re not distracted.
- Turn off other applications on your computer.
- Limit interruptions as much as possible (pets, children, etc).
- Print any available Presentation Notes ahead of time (they’ll be emailed to you, as well as on the Event Dashboard).
- Attend the Kickoff Event the night before, and the After Party after the event.
- Participate in the small group networking during the breaks.
- Most attendees will be a little nervous thinking about that first Zoom Breakout Room. Attendees don’t ‘break out’ on their own, our Virtual Event Design Coordinator does all the work. Everyone ends up loosening up and enjoying the Breakout Room experiences. Plan to participate! Don’t regret it later that you just didn’t feel like it.